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Integrity, Intelligence, In-Service

Make a Difference Today

Fulton County


Putting Experience into Action

As a lawyer, my diverse experience has encompassed various roles. I served for over a decade as a Fulton County Public Defender ensuring the civil rights of the poor were not violated in a variety of cases from child welfare to major felonies like Assault, Armed Robbery and Murder.  As a juvenile justice attorney, I passionately advocated for the rights and well-being of parents and young individuals caught in the legal system striving to ensure fair and rehabilitative outcomes. As both a public defender and a private attorney I stood shoulder to shoulder with my clients in the courtroom each and every day as we fought for their innocence and held the State to the tenets of the U.S. Constitution.

I am a product of Fulton County and my husband and I have chosen to raise our children here! I take pride in the character of Fulton and I want to do my part to improve the things that can make it better for each of us. When elected, my commitment to transparency, accountability and access to justice will extend to everyone no matter race, creed, orientation or socioeconomic status.


I stand on integrity and compassion—both of which inform my approach to legal justice.  I ask for your support as I seek election to the Superior Court of Fulton County.


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